Saturday, October 28, 2006

Scooters and running traffic lights !!!! - 28/10/2006

As you can see, scooter is the preferred method of transport. AG is considering buying one (mad !!!). Rather like a signaller is not a signaller until he has had a major F*** up a scooter driver in Taiwan is not a scooter driver until he has been hit twice and run over half a dozen pedestrians. Good things with scooters here are 1) you can park them literally anywhere and 2) you ignore red lights when turning right.
Now you may think the number above the green man is the number of seconds left before it goes red (and the green man runs for the last 8 seconds - must get knackered by the end of the day) but my theory is, it is the number of scooters that could still run you over !!
Over the last few days there has not been much to report as AG and myself get to grips with the Japanese Shinkansen signalling system. I don't understand how they keep them on time but as we get used to it, we may be able to tell you.
We have the privelage of travelling on the train on Monday so will update the blog accordingly - it may be a chuffernuts paradise !


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