Has the Earth moved for you ......... ? (Quake special)
Well I apparantly had my first earth moving experience in Taiwan on Tuesday. Steady, I know what the majority of you comics are thinking ! I say apparantly because I was actually in the middle of a siesta when it happened. Steady, I can here people thinking nothing new there !
Sadly the event did kill 2 people down South but no-one was hurt in the North of the Island (Taoyuan County) where I live. The epicenter itself was off shore and as you can see caused quite a strong earthquake in the South. We infact had 2 more after-shocks (I now have a different perspective of the drink) in quick succession. Sadly I understand it was the first of these that caused the fatalities. We also had another shock 3 hours later, but that was much smaller. Unbelieveably we then had another shock the following morning, some 14 hours after the original 6.7 beast.
So in terms of work what can I say - AG had the dubious pleasure of being on shift when it happened. Being as lucky as he is, he was the South controller on duty. He told me that the alarms worked perfectly bringing trains automatically to a stop - clever eh ! I have consulted Stephen Barclay - our Aussie in the wrong department (please stop taking the piss - I know we're rubbish !) - incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to construction - currently doing our roster (why ? - another example of this company using it's resources wisely !) who tells me the viaducts are built on ball-bearings and that the viaducts can withstand up to a 7.0 on the Richter Scale - fairly impressive. Work for me commenced at 3pm yesterday afternoon. Being a mini master of disaster, I walk in and the Rockfall alarm goes off. The previous days experience leads us to believe it is real. It transpired not to be the case. Following this, we had lineside fires (unfounded) and all sorts of little problems. All this led to me requiring a visit to the Amazon after work. Whilst there I got a call from Louise who strangely quickly worked out I was ok. Sorry for not informing you - I never thought you would get coverage in the UK and I hadn't realised it was so damaging until I checked the internet later.
I didn't know the 2 people killed but all the same R.I.P