Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Has the Earth moved for you ......... ? (Quake special)

Well I apparantly had my first earth moving experience in Taiwan on Tuesday. Steady, I know what the majority of you comics are thinking ! I say apparantly because I was actually in the middle of a siesta when it happened. Steady, I can here people thinking nothing new there !
Sadly the event did kill 2 people down South but no-one was hurt in the North of the Island (Taoyuan County) where I live. The epicenter itself was off shore and as you can see caused quite a strong earthquake in the South. We infact had 2 more after-shocks (I now have a different perspective of the drink) in quick succession. Sadly I understand it was the first of these that caused the fatalities. We also had another shock 3 hours later, but that was much smaller. Unbelieveably we then had another shock the following morning, some 14 hours after the original 6.7 beast.
So in terms of work what can I say - AG had the dubious pleasure of being on shift when it happened. Being as lucky as he is, he was the South controller on duty. He told me that the alarms worked perfectly bringing trains automatically to a stop - clever eh ! I have consulted Stephen Barclay - our Aussie in the wrong department (please stop taking the piss - I know we're rubbish !) - incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to construction - currently doing our roster (why ? - another example of this company using it's resources wisely !) who tells me the viaducts are built on ball-bearings and that the viaducts can withstand up to a 7.0 on the Richter Scale - fairly impressive. Work for me commenced at 3pm yesterday afternoon. Being a mini master of disaster, I walk in and the Rockfall alarm goes off. The previous days experience leads us to believe it is real. It transpired not to be the case. Following this, we had lineside fires (unfounded) and all sorts of little problems. All this led to me requiring a visit to the Amazon after work. Whilst there I got a call from Louise who strangely quickly worked out I was ok. Sorry for not informing you - I never thought you would get coverage in the UK and I hadn't realised it was so damaging until I checked the internet later.
I didn't know the 2 people killed but all the same R.I.P

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Wellies, anybody ?

The middle of this week saw us witness some of the rainy season with a good 72 hours of solid hard rain. Most people take the mickey out of my golf gear but the waterproofs and extra large umbrella came in handy.
Last week was one of disappointment as I managed to pass my exam and am now just 1 shift away from adding Shinkansen signalling to the CV (which is being updated constantly !). Before that saw us go to the PB christmas party at a youth activity centre in Taipei. As you can see from photo, there was karaoke - AG limbering up here ! with MM and myself very amused by the prospect (infact we were not sure who was the biggest clown !) - and the party was mainly for children (we were ok !) , with wine and chinese banquet for the adults. Thank god for Joanne, who got us through the banquet.
It was a farewell this week to 'big Chris' Miannay who has finally had enough of the environment we work in and gone back to live in France or wherever the next contract takes him - remember me big Chris please. Chris is a huge character I met whilst testing CTRL and then 3 years later and 12,000 kms we met again. I like Chris, he is someone that dwarfs me ! Good luck mon ami, I bet we meet again.
I have finally had the pleasure of getting my hands on ............................... the system that is going to run the High Speed train. Above is a picture of the Control Centre. Fair to say that no high speed train controlling will be done as the system is so congested it is cumbersome. CTRL screens congested - trust me you have seen nothing till you have seen this one.
I must take this opportunity to wish our roster clerk a merry christmas as it could be his last if he doesn't improve it rapidly ! 5 nights leading up to Christmas - thanks.

Enough about work - the Amazon remains a great football watching venue as the beloved LFC won 3 - 0 at Charlton. The Aussies are still crowing -Help !!!!!!!
As a treat for passing my course I have invested in an ipod. having spent a little while sorting out how to load songs the vibes are flowing in the apartment - I also informed Louise that she has bought me a speaker system for Christmas - she was thrilled. The other residents may not be so keen though !
If I don't get to the blog before the 25th, here's wishing all you bloggers a splendid Christmas and great New Year (that will be celebrated - trust me I'm off !!!!!!!).

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Openings and happenings

I am writing this on the eve of our final exam. Just taking a break from revising (yeah-right !), in order to update the world on the life in Jonghli.
Last weekend saw England mess it up but the mighty reds won 4-0 at Wigan. i watched this in the upstairs room of the Amazon. Seizing upon anything to help LFC win, I tried out the formula again yesterday and again a 4-0 win. This now means that the Amazon could be a busy place with me on Saturdays (when I am not working)!!!!
Last Sunday we went to an Opening bash at Anna (barmaid from the hotel) House. It is a kind of karaoke, restaurant bar type of place. Oh my god some of the singing was painful. But a reasonable time was had by the French whom can make cheese and wine but not music ! Tuesday night saw us head up to Taipei for a presentation by PB our employer. It was all about corporate image etc. One major plus was that there was the most beautiful roast beef on offer !
Pictured above are the 4 of us (from left to right) Me, MM(Dave Marchant), AG and NT outside the Hyatt where the event was held.
The other images are of my flat where I live. It may be a little small but for the time being it is home.
Hopefully having passed my exam tomorrow I will start OJT on Tuesday. A week later and I will be flying solo. I am considering buying a car so that I can get around the Island on my days off.
Best get back to the revision (NOT).